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Our Story

Discover who we are at Douglas Alexandra, a leading business strategy firm based in Raleigh, NC.

Who is Douglas Alexandra?

Who We Are

"So the first question I often get is, “How did you come up with this name?” I’m so glad you asked! Douglas is my son’s middle name and Alexandra is my daughter’s middle name. I couldn’t think of a better way to show my commitment to this labor of love." - Shelley Willingham, Founder + CEO

Douglas Alexandra was started to support Shelley Willingham's coaching clients and other solopreneurs and small business owners who needed help figuring out how to grow their businesses. She teaches people how to do this for themselves in several of her private coaching programs. Some clients love independence! But others were getting frustrated with spending so much time outside their zone of genius. She needed a solution to help them.
They call it "small business." We call it navigating a shark tank with a leaky boat. We've been there, steered through the choppy waters, and emerged salty but unscathed. Stuck deciding where to invest? Marketing's a siren song, sales are a gamble, and tech promises the future...but leaves you with a hefty bill. It's like choosing between tequila shots and a hangover cure - both sound good, but only one ends well.
"If you build it, they will come"? Yeah, right. Generating leads is like mastering a new dance craze - confusing steps, potential for public humiliation, and zero guarantee of success. Plus, with limited resources, your marketing strategy feels like juggling flaming chainsaws - exciting, but potentially disastrous. Tech integration? More like trying to herd cats while blindfolded. And analyzing customer data without proper tools? That's like playing detective with a crayon and a magnifying glass - good luck finding any clues. We're not here to sugarcoat it. Running a small business is messy, stressful, and often thankless. But with the right tools and guidance, you can navigate the chaos and emerge victorious. We've been there, done that, and got the scars to prove it. Let us be your compass in this storm.

Let’s talk and see if there’s a fit.

No commitment, nothing to lose. You’ll walk away with a fresh perspective and maybe even an idea or two!